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Updated 1,511 Days AgoPublic

Using CrewLink with Among Us running via Proton on Steam on Linux

Since Among Us just works, one might be forgiven for expecting CrewLink to just work. Instead, it fails by displaying nothing but blackness in the main window and a popup saying

Couldn't determine the Among Us version - Unity analytics file doesn't exist. Try opening Among Us and then restarting CrewLink.

In theory that can be resolved by the following steps:

  1. protontricks -s "Among Us" gives me the appid 945360
  2. protontricks 945360 cmd gives me a shell in the Wine prefix for Among Us.
  3. ln -s ../../AppData/LocalLow/Innersloth users/steamuser/Local\ Settings/Application\ Data/Innersloth symlinks where the Among Us data actually is to where CrewLink thinks it'll be.
  4. WINEESYNC=1 wine /tmp/CrewLink-Setup-1.1.6.exe --disable-gpu to actually run CrewLink
  5. Be annoyed that this somehow still doesn't work and instead go to and find a fork of CrewLink with download link and instructions that actually works just fine!
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Last Edited
Dec 26 2020, 5:22 PM