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John Hickenlooper
Updated 2,165 Days AgoPublic

His quirky personality was his secret political weapon in Colorado, but it’s unclear how it’ll shake out on a national stage...
But while he hasn’t been shy about touting the benefits of recreational pot, activists may not be willing to forget that he initially opposed legalization in 2012.
[E]ven Hickenlooper himself admits that his moderate image is likely to be a problem in a Democratic presidential primary. The party’s influential left wing will probably view him with suspicion over his opposition to anti-fracking efforts, sympathies with the oil and gas industry (which once employed him) and wishy-washy comments over one of his signature progressive achievements, a gun-control package passed in the wake of the Aurora theater shooting. (Hickenlooper’s reported flirtation with running for president on a “unity ticket” with Republican Ohio Gov. John Kasich probably won’t help, either.)

Nathaniel Rakich, FiveThirtyEight

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Mar 14 2019, 12:49 AM

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