<p><strong>Enter a Spotify track URL:</strong> <input name="URL" id="URL"></p>
if($_POST['URL']) {
$url = $_POST['URL'];
if (filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) === FALSE) {
die("Sorry, only valid URLs are currently supported. Take it up with Keith! He probably just forgot to make URIs work too. Or maybe what you pasted in isn't valid as either...");
# Run Python script (should rewrite in PHP sometime...)
$friendlyn = array('AU' => "Australia", 'CA' => "Canada", 'IE' => "Ireland", 'NL' => "The Netherlands", 'NZ' => "New Zealand", 'US' => "The 'United' States of America");
foreach($important as &$i) {
#if (!str_contains($out, $i)) { # Requires PHP 8+
if (strpos($out, $i) === FALSE) {
$missing_list[] .= $friendlyn[$i];
if ($missing_count > 0) {
$missing_string = implode(", ", $missing_list);
print("<p style='color:red'>This song is not available in some places we have Music Leaguers hailing from!</p> </p>Specifically, verboten in: $missing_string</p>");
} else {
print("<p style='color:green'>Looks good!</p>");
print("<p>Full list of available markets: $out</p>");
} else {
- print("Spotify's API returns the available markets list as '[]' which I thiiiink means it's available everywhere? 🤷🏼");
+ print("Spotify's API returns the available markets list as '[]' which means this track is availble in ZERO regions!");