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Updated 1,792 Days AgoPublic

This is a page to document how to set up a SailfishOS device to have a relatively normal experience.

Getting services working/available

Google Hangouts

There's a native GUI client, Hangish. It doesn't seem to work these days. Hopefully it can be made to work.

In the meantime, one can use the CLI Python client hangups.

# Install python packages as superuser
pkcon install python3-pip python3-setuputil

# Actually install hangups
pip3 install hangups

# To run hangups, run it from this path, or add .local/bin to your $PATH

=== OpenVPN ===

#SailfishOS these days has OpenVPN baked-in. The big caveat is, you need to include all the keys and certs within the .ovpn file.
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Last Edited
Feb 20 2020, 3:28 PM