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LV2 Plugins
Updated 26 Days AgoPublic

Mac supports VST plugins, and Apple wants you to use their own audio plugin system AU. But what if one wants to use plugins developed for LV2, aka LADSPA Version 2? has details which @keithzg has tried to follow, as so:

  1. brew tap david0/homebrew-audio to add the repo to Homebrew, which I'd already installed
  2. brew install lv2vst
    • which gave me "Error: david0/audio/lv2vst is a head-only formula.", so I had to instead install via brew install --HEAD david0/audio/lv2vst, that seems great and intuitive and not at all begging to break
  3. brew list lv2vst gave me "/usr/local/Cellar/lv2vst/HEAD-30a669a/lib/vst/ (3 files)"
  4. sudo ln -s /usr/local/Cellar/lv2vst/HEAD-30a669a/lib/vst/ /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/lv2.vst
  5. brew install --HEAD calf caps-lv2 eq10q mverb-lv2 x42-plugins to install a bunch of LV2 plugins

At this point in theory lv2vst is set up, and LV2 plugins dropped in these directories should automatically show up as VST plugins:

  • ~/.lv2
  • ~/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/LV2
  • /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/LV2

If this is the last line in this documentation page, @keithzg could not confirm that . . .

Last Author
Last Edited
Tue, Dec 17, 3:19 PM