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Hide and Seek
Updated 1,332 Days AgoPublic


  1. At the start of the game,
    1. The imposter announces who they are
    2. Everyone scatters to the wind, but does NOT start doing tasks
    3. The imposter sabotages comms as soon as they can, so that the crew can't see what tasks they need to do
    4. The imposter yells out "ready or not, here I come!"
  2. No reporting dead bodies
  3. No fixing comms
  4. If you're dead, you can still talk, but you can't directly help the survivors

Lobby Settings

Start by creating a lobby and changing the settings to any variation of the suggestions below:

  • Imposters: 1
  • Emergency meeting: 1
  • Player Speed: 1.5x - 3x
  • Crewmate Visions: 2x - 5x
  • Imposter Vision: 0.25x
  • Kill Cooldown: 30 seconds
  • Kill Distance: Short
  • Tasks: 6 - 9 in total
  • Visual tasks: on

External Links

Last Author
Last Edited
Jul 18 2021, 9:22 PM