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John Delaney
Updated 2,033 Days AgoPublic

This tryhard announced and filed back in mid-2017. Classic white-guy in a suit, former CEO and all that jazz. Endorsed by Bill Clinton in his 2012 primary for his Congressional seat, which is rarely a great sign. As you might guess from all this, he's a big "bipartisanship" kinda guy, and is in tight with the American Enterprise Institute.

With a pedigree like that, there's definitely hope . . . that he might at least provide us with some Jeb!-like hilarity.

Screenshot_20190730-230501.png (2×1 px, 1 MB)

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F1298: Screenshot_20190730-230501.png
Jul 30 2019, 11:07 PM
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Jul 30 2019, 11:07 PM

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