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Cory Booker
Updated 1,932 Days AgoPublic

Can you be a liberal Democratic willing to take on billionaires, entrenched corporations and the deregulation unleashed by the Trump Administration after years of cozying up to Wall Street and pharmaceutical donors? Can you address the racial divides in America — not just what's in people's hearts, but the problems of differential education, mass incarceration and inequality of opportunity — if you can't bring yourself to call Trump a racist? And can you be trusted to tell the truth of why you've arrived at your liberal politics if you made up a T-Bone to explain to white people a cartoon version of black intergenerational trauma?

Anthea Butler, associate professor of Religious Studies and Africana Studies at the University of Pennsylvania

Some notable facts about Cory Booker:

  • His mother and father are named Carolyn and Cary, and his brother is named Cary.
  • He loves hot pockets.
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Nov 1 2019, 3:32 PM

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