= Installation =
[[ https://github.com/SickGear/SickGear/wiki/Installation-Instructions | Official installation instructions are available ]]; here are some more specific ones slimmed down and slightly embellished. These largely follow the [[ https://github.com/SickGear/SickGear/wiki/Install-SickGear-%5B3%5D-Ubuntu#install | manual Ubuntu installation ]] approach.
== Basic Installation ==
# To get the dependencies: `sudo apt update && sudo apt install python-cheetah python-regex unrar-free git`
# Now clone the git repo: `sudo git clone https://github.com/SickGear/SickGear.git /opt/sickgear`
# Give yourself ownership: `sudo chown -R yourusername /opt/sickgear`
# Start your initial run with: `/opt/sickgear/sickgear.py`
## First up, we're gonna be running this as a service, so we //don't// want it to launch the browser when it starts. {nav icon=cogs, name=Settings > icon=cog, name=General > Misc} and uncheck the {nav open the SickGear home page on startup} option at the top. You can always get back to it with your browser at https://localhost:8081 (or whatever you choose as the port, I just used the default).
## A bit further down, you'll probably want to set a root directory for shows.
## {nav Save Changes}
## Under {nav icon=cogs, name=Settings > icon=cog, name=General > Interface > Web Interface}, set a username and password (this application is acting as your user, keep it safe!). Hit the {nav Save Changes} button at the bottom of this section, too, and you should be dumped out to a login screen where you can now log in with your freshly set credentials.
## By default SickGear renames files. If you're using good sources, this might be annoying! This can be disabled under {nav icon=cogs, name=Settings > icon=folder, name=Post Processing > File Handling}. If you leave this enabled, make sure to check out the pattern set in {nav icon=cogs, name=Settings > icon=folder, name=Post Processing > Episode Naming} and change it if you have a different preference (click the {icon list-alt} button to show the naming legend).
== Existing Media ==
The easy way is just to use {nav Settings > Import}.
If you want to rename or restructure an existing download,
# If the folder already exists in the intended destination folder, rename the existing folder (ex. add an underscore)
# {nav Manage > icon=folder, name=Process Media}, and give it the folder to process and tell it to use Move (or Copy if you're feeling timid and want to make sure it works before removing the originals).
= Integrations =
== Integration with Transmission ==
# Transmission's UI is terrible, so if you're like me you'll just install and configure the daemon. (Skip this of course if you already have Transmission installed and configured.)
## `sudo apt install transmission-daemon`
## `sudo service transmission-daemon stop`
## `sudo nano /var/lib/transmission-daemon/info/settings.json` and set at least:
### `"rpc-password"` to your plaintext password (it will be hashed upon the daemon restart)
### `"download-dir"` to a directory as the first location of three they'll go through (it can be anywhere, but must be writeable by Transmission)
### `"script-torrent-done-enabled"` set to `true`
### `"script-torrent-done-filename"` set to `"/opt/sickgear/autoProcessTV/onTxComplete.sh"`
## Permissions might be a bit weird.
### To set the download permissions so that group members can read and write the files too, set `"umask"` to 436 in the Transmission config file
### Then add yourself to the group with `sudo adduser yourusername debian-transmission`
## You can start Transmission again now with `sudo service transmission-daemon start`
# Make a config file:
## From the CLI, `cd /opt/sickgear/autoProcessTV/ && cp onTxComplete.sample.cfg onTxComplete.cfg` and then `nano onTxComplete.cfg`, or open the sample file up from your text editor of choice and save it as `onTxComplete.cfg`
## Comment out the Windows param1 line by adding a `;` at the start
## Set param1 to some path //other// than the `"download-dir"` for Transmission (ex. `/home/yourusername/Downloads/sickgear`)
## Set param2 to something unique, like `sickgear2`
# {nav SickGear > icon=cogs, name=Settings > icon=folder, name=Post Processing} and set
## the {nav Completed TV downloads} folder to some path whose folder is the `param1` value specified in the script config above (ex. `/home/yourusername/Downloads/sickgear`).
## checkmark {nav Scan and post process}
## make sure {nav Postpone post processing} is checked
# {nav SickGear > icon=cogs, name=Settings > icon=search, name=Search > Torrent Results} and
## checkmark {nav enable torrent media providers},
## Set {nav Send .torrent files to: } to (surprise surprise) {nav Transmission}
## Set your host:port, username, and password
## Set {nav Downloaded files location} to a path that ends with a folder named the same as `param2` above (ex. `/home/yourusername/Downloads/sickgear2`)
## {nav Test Connection}, and {nav Save Changes}.
# {nav SickGear > icon=cogs, name=Options > icon=book, name=Media Providers > Priorities}, enable your preferred trackers/indexes and order them, {nav Save Changes}, and then go over to the {nav Options } tab to configure them (for each provider you will need to enable options under {nav Options > Perform search tasks} if you want them to actually be used at all).
== Integration with SABnzbd ==
=== SABnzbd to SickGear ===
# `cd /opt/sickgear/autoProcessTV/ && cp autoProcessTV.cfg.sample autoProcessTV.cfg`
# `nano autoProcessTV.cfg` (or your text editor of choice) and change at least the username and password to match your SickBeard setup as above.
# In the SABnzbd web interface, go to {nav Config > Folders} and set {nav Scripts Folder} to `/opt/sickgear/autoProcessTV/`, and {nav Save Changes}.
# Still in SABnzbd, {nav Config > Categories} and add a TV category with the Script set to `sabToSickBeard.py`.
# Leave that window open (don't save changes yet) and now back in SickGear, {nav icon=cogs, name=Settings > icon=folder, name=Post Processing},
## Change {nav Post-Processing > Process episode method} to {nav Move}
## Toggle on {nav Failed Downloads > failed download handling}
## Checkmark {nav delete left over files from a failed download} which should now have appeared.
## Over in SABnzbd, we need to set some stuff so that this orchestration is handled right
### {nav Config > Switches} and at the top checkmark {nav Advanced Settings}.
### {nav Config > Switches > Queue} and disable {nav Abort jobs that cannot be completed}, and {nav Save Changes}.
### {nav Config > Switches > Post processing} and disable {nav Post-Process Only Verified Jobs}, and {nav Save Changes}.
### {nav Config > Special > Switches} and enable {nav empty_postproc}, then {nav Save Changes}
# Now finally save changes in SickGear's {nav Post Processing > Failed Downloads} config section.
=== SickGear to SABnzbd ===
# Get your API key from {nav SABnzbd > Config > General > Security }
# {nav SickGear > icon=cogs, name=Settings > icon=search, name=NZB Results} and
## Enable {nav Search NZBs}, then
## Set {Send .nzb files to} to {nav SABnzbd}
## Set your server URL
## Paste in your API key
## The category should be "tv" by default, but change this if you used something else above
## {nav Test SABnzbd} and {nav Save Changes} if all is well.
# {nav SickGear > icon=cogs, name=Options > icon=book, name=Media Providers > Priorities}, enable your NZB service and {nav Save Settings}.
# {nav SickGear > icon=cogs, name=Options > icon=book, name=Media Providers > Options}, set your credentials for your NZB provider, and {nav Save Settings}.