= BetterCrewLink =
== Using BetterCrewLink on Windows ==
This //should// be as simple as the following:
There's a fork of CrewLink that can interface with mobile (and run on 32-bit?). Download the latest version's exe from# Go to [[ https://github.com/OhMyGuus/BetterCrewLink/releases | https://github.com/OhMyGuus/BetterCrewLink/releases ]],
Theoretically one can use the mobile version on Android: https://github.com/OhMyGuus/better-crewlink-mobile/releases
There is also a web version at https://web.bettercrewl.ink/,# Choosing the most recent release (as of this writing that's [[ https://github.com/OhMyGuus/BetterCrewLink/releases/tag/v2.2.3 | 2.2.3 ]])
# Download the `.exe` file (ex. [[ https://github.com/OhMyGuus/BetterCrewLink/releases/download/v2.2.3/Better-CrewLink-Setup-2.2.3.exe | Better-CrewLink-Setup-2.2.3.exe ]])
# Run that `.exe` file (ie. double-click it). which should work then on {nav icon=apple,name=macOS} or {nav icon=linux,name=Linux}.You //may// need to have Among Us running already.
# You may get some popups from #Windows:
## When Windows pops up asking if it should let this through the network, If anyone uses this but you need to then use alet it.
## Your anti-virus might also complain because BetterCrewLink server rather than the default CrewLink serveris modifying Among Us.
To use this alternate CrewLink server in BetterCrewLink or CrewLink,All good? go to {nav icon=cog,name=Settings > Change Voice Server} and put `https://bettercrewl.ink` in as the voice server.If so, there's potentially one further step:
In6. For extra features and compatibility with the web interfacee, we an alternate CrewLink server in BetterCrewLink or CrewLink, make sure to allow it to use your microphone,go to {nav icon=cog,name=Settings > Change Voice Server} and put `https://bettercrewl.ink` in as the voice server. and you have to enter your //exact// ingame name and lobby codeFollow this step even if BetterCrewLink isn't working for you and you're stuck using [[ documentation/gaming/amongus/proximity/crewlink | classic CrewLink ]].
= == Using BetterCrewLink =on Mobile ==
The main way folks play proximity chat games is via [[ https://github.com/ottomated/CrewLink | CrewLink ]].
This //should// be as simple as just:=== Android ===
# Going to [[ https://github.com/ottomated/CrewLink/tags | the tags page ]],
# choosing the most recent release (as of this writing that's [[ https://github.com/ottomated/CrewLink/releases/tag/v2.0.1 | 2.0.1 ]]Theoretically one can use the mobile version on Android: https://github.com/OhMyGuus/better-crewlink-mobile/releases
# downloading the `.exe` file (ex. [[ https://github.com/ottomated/CrewLink/releases/download/v2.0.1/CrewLink-Setup-2.0.1.exe | CrewLink-Steup-2.0.1.exe ]]=== iOS ===
# running that `.exe` file (ie. double-click it)
Unless you are hosting, you shouldn't need to do anything more.No app for you, It should automatically connect to other players once you join a gamegonna have to use the web version (see below).
== Running CrewLink on a Mac ==== Mac or Linux ==
You basically can'tUse the web version (see below).
== Running CrewLink on Linux ==
There's a fork at https://github.com/zbanks/CrewLink but it hasn't been updated for 2.x releases ☹
== Running CrewLink on 32-bit Windows installsWeb Version ==
Apparently [[ https://github.com/ottomated/CrewLink/issues/568#issuecomment-760230333 | you can't ]]There is also a web version at https://web.bettercrewl.ink/, which should work then on {nav icon=apple,name=macOS} or {nav icon=linux,name=Linux}. If anyone uses this but you need to then use a BetterCrewLink server rather than the default CrewLink server.
== Troubleshooting CrewLinkIn the web interface, make sure to allow it to use your microphone, and you have to enter your //exact// ingame name and lobby code.
== Troubleshooting ==
Things sometimes go a bit screwy. Pressing {key ctrl r} to reload CrewLink (which is basically just a website running locally on your computer) often fixes things.