## Packages
For a lot of its history, OSX (nowadays "macOS") was overly advertised as a user-friendly version of UNIX. This was of course always largely a lie, and none mores than in how it in fact lacks what all contemporary UNIX-derived OSes have had for decades: a package manager, where everything could just be installed and managed (ex. updated, removed, etc) from one interface.
Much like with #Windows, there are multiple attempts to implement such a thing in the absence of it in the base operating system. Notable ones you might consider using are:
* [[ https://www.macports.org | MacPorts ]], almost certainly the best one if I'm remembering correctly, full of the software you'd expect to have immediate access to on any Linux system
* [[ https://brew.sh | Brew ]], the brogrammer one and the one generally used for stuff that involves a bunch binaries or random forks of things.
## Running and packaging up Windows applications
### Using Wineskin
https://github.com/vitor251093/wineskin was the way to create Wine app packages for #macOS. https://github.com/Gcenx/WineskinServer is a bunch hacks to make that viable on modern versions that have gutted 32-bit support.
Vexingly, [[ http://wineskin.urgesoftware.com/ | the original project page ]] seems to have died, and in true Mac developer fashion the forks didn't bother with any documentation on how to actually //use// the damn thing. The original project's documentation is at least [[ https://web.archive.org/web/20140706023357/http://wineskin.urgesoftware.com/tiki-index.php?page=Manual | available at archive.org]].
Salient steps are basically,
1. Run the Wineskin app
2. Get it to auto-update the runtimes and such
3. Create a new package by clicking the {nav Create New Blank Wrapper} button
4. It'll give you the option to see the new wrapper in Finder, which will be a `.app` file in probably `~/Application/Wineskin`.
5. //Inside// that .app is {nav Wineskin.app}, which is the setup utility and also runs by default if you haven't run it yet. You can run that to package stuff into the `.app` you created, as well as configure other aspects like the icon.
### Using Winebottler
Alternatively, one could perhaps use https://winebottler.kronenberg.org
Whatever method you use, you may want to note [[ https://support.apple.com/en-ca/guide/mac-help/mh40616/mac | the official instructions for running unsigned apps ]].
## Uhh that all seems complicated can't I just run things?
I mean maybe, [[ https://www.playonmac.com/en/download.html | PlayOnMac ]] might Just Work.