== "Crostini" Linux container==
Uhh I remember it being easy to enable, maybe I'll fill out this part of the documentation later, I'm honestly just making this page to remember
=== Customizing the Linux container ==
By default it uses a rather . . . ugly and basic theme. This set of scripts might be of help: https://github.com/cbeley/beleyenv. But there's gotta be a simpler, more targeted way, no?
Maybe the packages/utilities `gnome-tweak` or `lxapperance`? They can change themes, at least. But they cannot
== Wait, so can I theme ChromeOS itself?
[[ https://support.google.com/chromebook/answer/148695?hl=en | Yeah ]], you gotta use the [[ https://chrome.google.com/webstore/category/themes | themes section of the Chrome webstore ]].