The flow is enormous ([[ | tremendously big and tremendously wet ]]), and the internet is increasingly fickle, so here's a place to place articles.
* 2016-11-04: "[[ | Bernie Sanders's Hard Fight For Hillary Clinton ]]", Amy Davidson Sorkin, //The New Yorker//
* 2016-11-04: "[[ | At Least 40 Women Have Accused Bill Clinton or Donald Trump of Sexual Assault ]]", Doug Hatlem, //Counterpunch//
* 2017-05-26: "[[ | Tulsi Gabbard Is Not Your Friend ]]", Branko Marcetic, //Jacobin//
* 2017-08-10: "[[ | The Two Faces Of Kamala Harris ]]", Branko Marcetic, //Jacobin//
* 2019-01-11: "[[ 2020_u.s._presidential_election/articles/it_s_bernie,_bitch/ ]]", Amber A’Lee Frost, //The Baffler//
* 2019-01-16: "[[ | How Secrecy Fuels Facebook Paranoia ]]", John Herrman, //The New York Times Magazine//
* 2019-01-17: "[[ | Kamala Harris Was Not a ‘Progressive Prosecutor’ ]]", Lara Bazelon, //The New York Times//
* 2019-01-29: "[[ | The Unfinished Business of Bernie Sanders ]]", Jason Zengerle, //GQ//
* 2019-02-06: "[[ | Sen. Amy Klobuchar’s Mistreatment Of Staff Scared Off Candidates To Manage Her Presidential Bid ]]", Molly Redden and Amanda Terkel, //The Huffington Post//
* 2019-02-08: "[[ | Staffers, Documents Show Amy Klobuchar’s Wrath Toward Her Aides ]], Molly Hensley-Clancy, //Buzzfeed//
* 2019-02-11: "[[ | ‘Progressive Prosecutor’: Can Kamala Harris Square the Circle? ]]", Kate Zernike, //New York Times//
* 2019-02-11: "[[ | Private Mossad For Hire: Inside an effort to influence American elections, starting with one small-town race ]]", Adam Entous and Ronan Farrow, //The New Yorker//
* 2019-02-12: "[[ | The Democrats' total capitulation on the border ]]", Shikha Dalmia, //The Week//
* 2019-02-12: "[[ | Under The Boot ]]", Lyle Jeremy Rubin, //The Baffler//
* 2019-02-15: "[[ | Roger Stone is only guilty of having fake friends (and probably a bunch of other stuff too.) ]]", Drew Millard, //The Outline//
* 2019-02-17: "[[ | Ilhan Omar, AIPAC, and the 2020 Democratic Presidential Contenders ]]", Akela Lacy, //The Intercept//
* 2019-02-20: "[[ | CNN Hires Trump Official Who Used Same Anti-Press Rhetoric As Man Who Sent Bombs To CNN ]]", Jon Schwarz, //The Intercept//
* 2019-02-20: "[[ | The Classicist Who Sees Donald Trump as a Tragic Hero ]]", Isaac Chotiner, //The New Yorker//
* 2019-02-20: "[[ | Why Has It Taken Us So Long to See Trump’s Weakness? ]]", Corey Robin, //New York Magazine//
* 2019-02-22: "[[ | The Provocateur who went out into the cold: Laura Loomer protested at the Twitter building in New York a second time ]]", Bijan Stephen, //The Verge//
* 2019-02-25: "[[ | Democrats Across the Country Are Getting Hounded by Voters for Shying Away From the Green New Deal ]]", Eoin Higgins, //The Intercept//
* 2019-02-26: "[[ | Bernie Sanders Asks the Right Question on Reparations: What Does It Mean? ]]", Briahna Gray, //The Intercept//
* 2019-03-04: "[[ | It takes 10 minutes to file the necessary paperwork to run for president ]]", Drew Millard, //The Outline//
* 2019-03-08: "[[ | The Democrats’ Dilemma: What Ilhan Omar and Dean Phillips tell us about the future of the Democratic Party ]]", Tim Alberta, //Politico Magazine//
* 2019-03-11: "[[ | Intercept Investigation Leads to Record Fines Over Foreign Campaign Contributions ]]", Lee Fang, //The Intercept//
* 2019-03-15: "[[ | The Hubris of Beto O'Rourke ]]", Libby Watson, //Splinter News//
* 2019-03-15: "[[ | Beto versus the Barrio ]]", Christopher Hooks, //The American Prospect//
* 2019-03-16: [[ | Rose Asaf and Leen Dweik wrote in Buzzfeed about confronting Chelsea Clinton ]]. Later, Alan Dershowitz [[ | wrote an op-ed in The Hill defending Chelsea Clinton ]].
* 2019-03-19: "[[ | Cory Booker Gets Real, Hits “Senators” for Bragging About Pot Use While Drug Charges Still Dog Regular People ]]", Robert Mackey, //The Intercept//
* 2019-03-21: "[[ | Nihilist in Chief: The banal, evil, all-destructive reign of Mitch McConnell ]]", Alex Pareene, //The New Republic//
* 2019-03-21: "[[ | The Atlantic Accused David Sirota of Secretly Working For Bernie Sanders. But Where's the Evidence? ]]", Walker Bragman, //Paste Magazine//
* 2019-03-25: "[[ | Centrists Are Using Calls for Civility to Silence the Left ]]", Robert L. Borosage, //The Nation//
* 2019-04-04: "[[ | Former DCCC Chair Distances From Controversial New Policy: “Different Leaders Have Different Approaches” ]]", Akela Lacy and Ryan Grim, //The Intercept//
* 2019-04-18: "[[ | Trump's attacks on Ilhan Omar aim to stoke fears ahead of the 2020 election ]]", Sabrina Siddiqui, //The Guardian//
* 2019-04-23: "[[ | Beto O'Rourke was threatening to run a new kind of campaign. Not anymore. ]]", Ryan Grim, //The Intercept//
* 2019-05-01: [[ | Democrats Have Created an “Electability” Monster; And this time, it's even eating establishment candidates. ]], Alex Pareene, //The New Republic//
* 2019-08-02: "[[ | Biden Inc.: How 'Middle Class' Joe's family cashed in on family name]]", Ben Schreckinger, //Politico//
* 2019-08-15: "[[ | Progressive candidates are carrying a path to the Senate in 2020 — no thanks to Chuck Schumer ]]", Ryan Grim, Akela Lacy, Aída Chávez, //The Intercept//
* 2019-11-08: "[[ | Elizabeth Warren Is Trapped. And She Did It To Herself. ]]", Richard North Patterson, //The Bulwark//
* 2020-01-15: "[[ | Thinking About The Democratic Primary: One possible theory of what is going on ]]", Nathan J. Robinson, //Current Affairs//
* 2020-02-08: "[[ | Yesterday’s Gone: Iowa Was Waterloo for Democrats ]]", Matt Taibbi, //Rolling Stone//
* 2020-02-13: "[[|There's Something About Amy]]" , Miles Klee, //Mel Magazone//
* 2020-02-27: "[[|Vanderbilt oligarch heir Anderson Cooper worked at CIA in college]]", Ben Norton, //The Gray Zone//
* 2020-03-07: "[[| Democract, You Really Do Not Want To Nominate Joe Biden]]", Nathan J. Robinson, //Current Affairs// ([[|audio version]])
* 2020-03-08: "[[| Don't Be a Coward, Joe Biden: Debate Bernie Sanders on Health Care]], Luke Thibault, //Jacobin//
* 2020-03-09: "[[ | There is hard data that shows "Bernie Bros" are a myth: A computational social scientist's study shows Bernie's Twitter followers act pretty much the same as everyone else]]", Keith A. Spencer, //Salon//
* 2020-03-09: "[[| CNN's Coverage of Sanders Was 3X More Negative Than Biden Following Their Big Primary Wins]]", //Juan Caicedo and Sarah Lazare//, In These Times
* 2020-03-27: "[[ | Inside Joe Biden’s bizarre coronavirus bunker ]]", Ryan Lizza, //Politico//
* 2020-03-27: "[[ | Everything Has Changed Overnight: The Democratic primary is no longer over. This is a historic crisis requiring nothing less than FDR-style ambition and leadership. We’ve got just the guy. ]]", Nathan J. Robinson, //Current Affairs//
* 2020-05-03: "[[ | How Greenwich Republicans Learned to Love Trump ]]", Evan Osnos, //The New Yorker//
* 2020-05-07: "[[ | How ‘Never Trumpers’ Crashed The Democratic Party ]]", Perry Bacon Jr, //FiveThirtyEight//
* 2020-05-07: "[[ | Democrats fume over having to clean up Bloomberg's mess ]]", Alex Thompson and Holly Otterbein, //Politico//