== Updating ==
Upstream docs:
* https://firefish.dev/firefish/firefish/-/blob/develop/docs/upgrade.md
* https://firefish.dev/firefish/firefish/-/blob/develop/docs/notice-for-admins.md
My procedure, coming from an install just before the rebranding:
sudo service nginx stop
sudo service calckey stop
# Change to the user and dir for the service
sudo su calckey
cd ~/calckey
# and run some asset checkout
git checkout -- packages/backend/assets
# I'm not just upgrading to latest HEAD c'mon guys get real
git checkout vTagname
# I guess this updates whatever corepack is
corepack prepare pnpm@latest --activate
# Seems more like `apt update`? I say this because it seems to just get the index, and then...
pnpm install --frozen-lockfile
# ...a ton of Node and Rust package compiles are done, which takes stupidly long, all you devops dorks need to find God (Debian)
NODE_ENV='production' NODE_OPTIONS='--max_old_space_size=3072' pnpm run rebuild
# maybe if I knew nginx this override wouldn't be necessary? I dunno man apache2lyfe
# nginx never provides connection to calckey unless it's started already when nginx is, for some nginx-y reason
sudo service calckey start && wait 10 && sudo service nginx start
== Why is Keith writing this? ==