== Griping Preamble ==
Manjaro is an ancient European word meaning "Arch Linux won't support ARM". Nobody in their right mind should use Arch Linux, but for ARM devices it's sometimes the least-worst choice.
== Installing packages and updating the system ==
The package manager, inherited from Arch Linux, is insane. Here are some common commands:
lang=bash, name=updates
# Update the system
pacman -Syu
pacman --sync --refresh --sysupgrade
# Like, //really// update the system
pacman -Syyuu
lang=bash, name=installing individual packages
# Okay but surely there's an obvious install command... lol nope that's the -S / --sync option actually
pacman -S packagename
pacman --sync packagename
pacman --sync
lang=bash, name=Search for a package . . . it's bad folks
# search package names in the repos
pacman -Ss someregex
pacman --sync --search someregex
# search for files because if the package name doesn't match the binary name you're hooped above
pacman -F filename
pacman --files filename
# search local packages I guess>
pacman -D whatever
pacman --database whatever
== External Documentation ==
* https://wiki.manjaro.org/index.php/Pacman-mirrors