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Upgrade my home Teksavvy plan
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Jan 7 2025, 3:27 AM
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Jan 7 2025, 3:27 AM


Plans as of 2025-01:

image.png (746×1 px, 124 KB)

CostDown MbpsUp MbpsCapNote
$71606NoMy current plan, no longer offered

My current plan is a lot better deal than the one below it, but a lot worse of a deal than the one above. My only real problem is low upload, though, so while the top-tier plan is on paper a much better deal than the one $10 less than it, I'm not gonna fall for such trickery! Plus, old copper lines are questionable even with Shaw's fiber-to-the-node rollout in theory having hit these parts, I would want more headroom between my bandwidth and the theoretical max of the line anyways.

But, this will take new hardware, as my venerable old Thomson DCM475 (added nearly 10 years ago now!) can't do DOCSIS 3.1. Annoyingly Teksavvy doesn't publish a compatibility list, nor provide non-multifunction units themselves anymore, but a Reddit reply at lists the following modem-only units as being compatible as of 2023 (February or December, unknown because failing to use ISO-8601):

ModelFirmwareDOCSISRatePurchase linksNotes
Cisco DPC3000v303r2390-090629aD3.0 4x440
TP-Link TC-7610v1_1_0_20160920D3.0 8x460
Technicolor DCM476STAC 2.50D3.0 8x460
Technicolor TC4300STFC 01.01D3.0 8x460
Hitron CDA-RES (HW REV: 1 & 2)4.2.17NA-T1D3.0 8x460
Coship CCM82003.0.0.27D3.0 8x460
Cisco DPC3008dpc3000-v302r125552-120315aD3.0 8x460
ARRIS (Motorola) SB61411.0.6.12D3.0 8x460
Technicolor TC435050041.1.15.0/50041.1.19.0D3.0 32x8250
Hitron CDA3-356.1.3.31D3.0 32x8250
Hitron CDA3- 24x8250
Sercomm DM1000V1.12.03.011D3.1 2x2 D3.0 32x81024$170 CanComp but sold out
Hitron CODA-457. / 32x8 D3.1 2x21024No longer sold?some folks say it's bad
CBN CD80007.13.198.12D3.1 2x2 D3.1 32x81024$175, $180 CanCompHas standard mountpoints so is current frontrunner
Hitron CODA567.$170 CanComp
Sercomm DG4244v1.14.04.012D3.11024$280Has Wifi, listed wrong?
Technicolor TC4400D3.1 2x2, D3.0 32x8??$162 CanComp but sold outNot listed in that Reddit post, but it's the brand I know, and I do want one that has mounts rather than dumb stands...

I should call 18777791575 and inquire...

Canada Computers listing for modems:

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